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An Introduction to Alcohol Law

Before trademarks become registered, the USPTO offers the public a 30 day window to challenge any potentially infringing trademark applications through what is known as a notice of opposition. New applications are regularly posted in the Official Gazette, the official journal of the USPTO. Typically, a trademark owner may hire a trademark watching service to […]

Branding and Labeling Wine

Targeting wine consumers in the wine industry has become increasingly arduous as it continues to grow into an ever more saturated and competitive environment. Often, it is that first impression that will make or break a consumer’s purchasing decision. Finding a unique and strong name for your wine will play a large role in the […]

The rapid development of technology has transformed the way we live

Trademarks are names that owners assign to their businesses or products to give them a distinguishable identity and origin. Trademarks are all around us, from the clothes and shoes we wear (Nike, Adidas, Doc Martens) to the stores we shop at (Walmart, Publix, Target). Almost every business or product has a unique name that helps […]

Understanding Florida’s Privacy Rights: Your Name and Photograph

The rapid development of technology has transformed the way we live— the world has never been as interconnected as it is today. Yet, this interconnectedness has brought a whole host of problems that have reignited the movement for greater privacy rights. In the age of social media, everyone’s personal information is available for all to […]

What Makes an Invention Patentable?

A patent is an intellectual property right granted to inventors by the U.S. Government. According to 35 U.S. Code § 154, Inventors can use patents to “exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States.” A patent will grant the […]

The Advantages of a Patent Search

A patent is an intellectual property right that protects an inventor’s ownership and commercialization of their inventions. While patents are ideal for protection, they are not issued automatically— you must first meet the Patent Office’s strict standards. Two of the most important standards set by the Patent Office are novelty (whether your invention is new […]

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